أخر الأخبار

Mohamed Salah faces Ronaldo and stays the strongest


Mohamed Salah faces Ronaldo and stays the strongest

The Egyptian Pharaoh Mohamed Salah, star of Liverpool,

  prepares for the first time to face Cristiano Ronaldo

  in the English Premier League.

Everyone awaits this fierce confrontation 

between the two Egyptian stars and Portugal in flames

Everyone awaits the challenge between

 Cristiano Ronaldo and Mohamed Salah, 

especially after the victory of the star Mohamed Salah,

 player of the Egyptian team and Liverpool FC, in the English Premier League.

After winning the award for the best player in

 the English Premier League in a match against Man City, which was won by Mohamed Salah

Everyone now compares Mohamed Salah

 with the Argentine player Messi, who plays for Paris Saint-Germain, and with the Portuguese player Cristiano Ronaldo.

As for Cristiano Ronaldo's return to his former home

 Manchester City, the English Premier League 

sparked excitement among all English Premier League clubs such as Chelsea FC, Arsenal FC and Crystal Plus.

Knowing that the leader of the English Premier League is not Liverpool with the presence of Mohamed Salah

Or Manchester City with Cristiano Ronaldo

But the lead in the English Premier League was Chelsea FC ... so far in the eighth round

Who do you think will win the English Premier League this season 2021-2022?

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