أخر الأخبار

What is the ruling on breaking the fast because of intercourse during the day in Ramadan? Is it forbidden by law?

ما حكم الإفطار بسبب الجماع في نهار رمضان؟ هل حرام شرعا

Sheikh Muhammad Wissam, Secretario de Fatwa en el Dar Al Iftaa egipcio, respondió que el ayuno es la abstinencia musulmana de comer, beber y tener relaciones sexuales durante el día de Ramadán.

موقع التصويت الرسمي لاعادة مباراة مصر والسنغال تصفيات المونديال

He pointed out that intercourse during the day in Ramadan is one of the things that break the fast, and it is forbidden by Sharia, and it is an expiation for breaking the fast on this day. The husband and wife who had intercourse during the day in Ramadan must spend this day after the end of the month of Ramadan.

And he continued: In addition, the husband must only expiate, which is to fast sixty consecutive days, other than making up for this day, so the punishment for breaking the fast is to make up and expiate.

وزارة الداخلية أول بيانًا رسميًا حول مقتل القمص ارسانيوس

He stressed that the reason for this punishment is to break the sanctity of the holy month, to indicate the greatness of the sanctity of the month of Ramadan, noting that there is a difference between the invalidation of fasting by intercourse and breaking the fast for intercourse.

He explained that penance for sexual intercourse is required of the husband only, and some of the jurists said that it is obligatory on the wife, and some of them said that it is not required of the wife, and the fatwa is that the woman does not have to penance at all.

He added, that if intercourse is repeated in one day, the penance is one, which is to fast for sixty days, but if this intercourse occurs on more than one day, then many jurists require penance for the number of times the days, and the fatwa is that only one penance is required of him.

Wrong belief about penance for intercourse during the day in Ramadan 

بالفيديو ، ألقى مصري القبض على الهارب علي محمد علي


Dr. Magdi Ashour, the scientific advisor to the Mufti of the Republic, said that whoever has intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadan must fast for two consecutive months, noting that some take it easy and pay penance to feed 60 poor people, stressing that it is obligatory to fast for two consecutive months. You can feed 60 poor people.

And “Ashour” added during his answer to a question: “I had intercourse with my wife during the day in Ramadan and I asked a sheikh, and he said to me, Feed 60 poor people..Is this enough?” He said: “You and your wife have to fast for two consecutive months, and it is not permissible for you to break the fast even for one day. Fasting from the start.

 شاهد ايضا 

انهيار أحمد موسي يخرج عن شعورة بسبب  ياسر جلال 

  انهيار أحمد موسي يخرج عن شعورة بسبب  ياسر جلال                                       

Ruling on penance for sexual intercourse on the wife


Dr. Ali Gomaa, the former Mufti of the Republic, confirmed that a man’s intentionally intercourse with his wife during the day in Ramadan invalidates their fast, explaining that whoever does that has to make up for it and expiation in all denominations is to fast for two consecutive months.

Juma’a explained in his fatwa that scholars differed over whether atonement is for the husband and wife together? Some sects see penance on both of them, and some see penance on the husband, while the wife has to make up only, even if the two are partners in sin and disobedience.

شاهد ايضا 

قرار الفيفا ضد السنغال اعادة مباراة مصر والسنغال

قرار الفيفا ضد السنغال اعادة مباراة مصر والسنغال

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